There are so many good ice cream stores in San Francisco. It seems like every neighborhood have their own unique spot. Humphry Slocombe has some pretty unique ice cream and, while it doesn't beat Mitchell's in my book, it's well worth yummy flavor explosions such as Golden Beet Saffron, Strawberry Black Olive or Butter Beer
Humphry Slocombe
2790A Harrison St
<a href="" title="The Curiosity Shoppe by idathue, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="530" alt="The Curiosity Shoppe"></a>
This store is the kind of store that makes you want to buy things that you didn't know you needed - or even existed. Enough said.
The Curiosity Shoppe
855 Valencia St
Big portions, good prices and lots of colors. Mmmm, Mexican!
Taqueria Cancun
2288 Mission St
<a href="" title="Stockholm l by idathue, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="530" alt="Stockholm l"></a>
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