Birthday Girl

My sister turned 24 on Friday. Twentyfour! In my head she's still 12 and spending most of her time at the stables caring for her horse.
I talked her into some birthday pictures at the fields next to our parents house. She's so natural in front of the camera and so so beautiful.


  1. happy birthday to your sister (belated).
    photos are so lovely and your sister too. :-)
    hope you are enjoying summer.

    I got 10 days break from work and visited Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. this was my first time to visit Europe. I must say Europe is so so lovely... and now I know why I love your photos so much. :)

    have a great week ahead.

    1. Thank you!
      Glad you had a wonderful time! I've never been to Brussels or Amsterdam but especially Amsterdam is high on my list of places to visit!
      Enjoy your Wednesday,

  2. gorgeous photo shoot! My brother is 14 and about a foot taller then me already- he is still in diapers in my mind :)

    1. I know the feeling!! I still have to stop myself now and then when I want to refer to my younger siblings as 'the two littlest' ;-)

  3. Happy belated birthday to your sister :)

    She is beautiful and your pictures make her justice!
